Spark Usina Smart 160A Power Supply and Automotive Charger 12V
Power Supply and Car Charger Usina 160A Smart - 12V
The power supply USINA was created with the main objective of feeding the sound system of the car without letting its batteries discharge, even with the sound playing for several hours. It can also be used as a source and direct power supply (without the use of batteries), feeding CD players, power modules, etc.
Input Voltage: Automatic Bivolt
AC 127Vca: 100 @ 140Vca
AC 220Vca: 170 @ 250Vca
Consumption 127Vca: 33A (maximum)
Consumption 220Vca: 17A (maximum)
Output Voltage: 12.5V @ 14.4Vdc ( -1%)
Output Current: 160A @ 12.5Vdc ( -5%)*
Output Power: 2000 Watts (maximum)**
Efficiency: 85%
Input Power: 2400 Watts (maximum)**
Cable :
3x2 . _ _ _ power measured in resistive load **The output power may vary according to the network voltage and conditions of use ***The measurements referring to the dimensions of the sources have a variation of approximately