Did you set up a respectful and very powerful system, but at the “H” time it lacked energy? Then you need to know the novelty that Taramp's brings to the “professional” people of automotive sound: the Taramp's PRO CHARGER 250A Automotive Source. This source is really fantastic and with a charging capacity of up to 250 ampere hours, ideal for those who have a heavy system. Taramp's Pro Charger 250A source is extremely safe, as it has technologies such as the Smart Cooler System that maintains the temperature for several hours of use, and the Fine ADJ selector, where you can select voltages between 12.6, 13.8 or 14, 4V. Taramp's Pro Charger 250A source is all your sound needs so you can enjoy your system whenever you want, for a long time and without major restrictions. Technical specifications